Ghana’s Seed Industry at Risk: The Truth Behind GMO Approvals

In recent months, confusion has dominated discussions about Ghana’s stance on GMO seeds.

Reports claimed Ghana had approved 14 GMO seeds for cultivation, triggering contradictory responses from authorities. Some officials denied approving any GMO seeds, while others claimed they were approved only for food consumption.

However, the stated trait of these seeds—tolerance to glyphosate—indicates agricultural application rather than food processing.

When this news first emerged, I advocated for transparent policy: if GMO seeds are entering our agricultural system, we should acknowledge this reality and create fair market conditions that prevent local seed companies from being disadvantaged. My position was met with dismissal by some calling me a small boy with long mouth!

Today, we face a troubling contradiction. The same authorities who previously denied approving GMO maize seeds are now not only promoting these seeds but using public funds to distribute them to farmers. Perhaps most surprisingly, the Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana—an organization that publicly opposed GMO seeds—has become a primary beneficiary of this distribution program.

This inconsistency highlights why my initial argument remains valid: Ghana needs transparent policies regarding GMO seeds. Rather than operating in shadows and contradictions, we should establish clear regulatory frameworks that acknowledge the presence of these agricultural technologies in our market.

The path forward requires honesty about what seeds are being approved and distributed in Ghana’s agricultural sector, allowing all stakeholders to operate on a level playing field.
My stance remains the same, open the flood gate, and let’s trade with it and stop the deception. Simplicita!

Legacy Crop TV

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